Newsweek’s shocking attack on marriage

By Spencer D Gear

Could you believe that a major news magazine, Newsweek, is assaulting marriage like this? See the article, “I don’t: The case against marriage” (Newsweek, 11 June 2010).

I was alerted to this writing by Southern Baptist leader in the USA, Dr. Albert Mohler Jr. For a considered Christian response, read Dr. Mohler’s article, “The case against marriage courtesy of Newsweek“.

Why don’t you write to Dr. Mohler on his blog site to commend him for this excellent expose of what the secularists are promoting? Here’s his contact page address:

It is just as important to email a letter to Newsweek. There’s a “comment” link at the bottom of the Newsweek article.

This is the letter of comment that I have sent online to Newsweek (sent 26 June 2010):


Your scorching article against marriage (“I Don’t”, June 11) came in the very month I celebrated my 42nd wedding anniversary. Your publication came too late to disillusion me with your  sloganeering, “Once upon a time, marriage made sense”. Marriage always makes sense, as long as one is committed to the marriage and the work that it takes.

But I’m also a family therapist of 33 years, currently working in the industry. I know the devastation of some relationships. I work with them daily. One-hundred faulty Fords, don’t make every Ford a fake or a fraud.

By the way, for my marriage, the Lord God at the center of our relationship has made marriage and family life enjoyable and challenging..”God places the lonely in families” (Psalm 68:6).
Australia [my comment is #477]

If you are married, I trust that this shocking article in Newsweek will encourage you to live Christ-like married lives in this depraved generation.

For some of my thoughts on married life and issues relating to the decay of our society, please see my articles:

Can Australia be turned around?

Evil & its cure

Marriage, divorce & remarriage: A Christian view”;

Why do men abuse women?

Dealing with male domestic violence

The church’s role in national decay

Gambling with families


Copyright © 2010 Spencer D. Gear. This document last updated at Date: 9 October 2015.

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